12 June 2023

I was this many days when I learned…

I had the idea to use some of the culinary lavender I have sitting around my kitchen. First, I was going to make lemon-lavender scones. But then I found a lemonade lavender recipe, and it sounded a lot easier to make lavender syrup and some lemonade.

Hint: I was correct.

Not only was it easier, it was delicious. Or so I thought. I had two friends over and both declined to try it. When Rob came home, I had him try it and he took a small sip. Nope. To be fair, he doesn’t like the floral notes of most things.

Fine. I get to drink All Of The Lavender Lemonade by myself.

Then last night I learned that there’s Lavender Coffee Latte.

Guess what I had this morning…

So here’s a simple recipe for a simple lavender syrup. I made mine using Splenda, because I wanted to be mindful of the dietary needs and expectations of others. Also, I try not to add sugars, especially in drinks where they easily and quickly add up.

Without further ado…

Lavender Simple Syrup

  • 3 cups water

  • 1-1/2 cups sugar (or sweetener of your choice)

  • 2 tablespoons lemon zest

  • 3 tablespoons dried culinary lavender

In a medium saucepan, combine all ingredients and stir over medium heat until it boils. Lower heat and simmer for one minute. Let cool. I save mine in a bottle and store it in the refrigerator.

Let me know if you try this recipe, what you think of it, and how you use it. Lemonade? Latte? Ice cream? Ooooh, ice cream… I think I have an idea for what I am going to do next with my Lavender Syrup.




<a target=”_blank” href=” https://www.amazon.com/SPLENDA-Sweetener-Granulated-Substitute-Resealable/dp/B001GVIRYS/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2RJ8562T466IB&amp;keywords=splenda+granulated&amp;qid=1686579610&amp;sprefix=splenda+granulated%252Caps%252C98&amp;sr=8-5&_encoding=UTF8&tag=satsjou-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=ec38d4c457eac26148dadab09632eb37&camp=1789&creative=9325 ”>Splenda Granulated Sweetener</a>


29 June 2023


9 Jun 2023